Prayer Rally

September 15, 2016 @ 8:30 am
Bangor Church of the Nazarene
150 Bunny Trail Rd
Bangor, PA 18013
Church Office

Because of the spiritual climate of our country, Franklin Graham is going to all 50 states to challenge Christians across our land to boldly live out their faith and to pray fervently and faithfully for our nation. At each stop, he will also proclaim the Gospel, which has the power to transform lives. As the body of Christ, we have the opportunity to stand together in our allegiance, not to a political party but to Almighty God.

Together, let’s pray … in repentance of our sins, for revival in our own hearts communities and in our churches, for our nation and its leaders.

This event will take place at the Capitol at Soldiers and Sailors Grove in Harrisburg PA.


“I will proclaim Christ as ‘the way, the truth, and the life’ (John 14:6, NKJV). My hope isn’t in the Republican or Democratic party. It is in Christ alone, and I believe God’s people can make a difference by praying, voting, and engaging in their communities.”
—Franklin Graham