District Mission Tour

November 1, 2015 @ 5:00 pm
Bangor Church of the Nazarene
150 Bunny Trail Rd
Bangor, PA 18013
Ron Hughes or Church Office
(610588-5675 or (610)588-6929

1190×325-30-11/01Being hosted by
The Bangor Church of the Nazarene
150 Bunny Trail, Bangor, PA 18013
Phone (610)588-6929
5:00 pm – Beginning with Food and Fellowship
6:00 pm – Service Begins

Our Missionary Speakers are David and Jodi Cooper

David and Jodi were first appointed as missionaries in 1992. They served in Guatemala and El Salvador until March 2002 when they began their work in the Global Mission Office. While on the field their primary ministry was coordinating Work and Witness teams both regionally and locally. The Coopers also developed and directed a retreat center in Guatemala City and served as Regional Communication Coordinators.

The past 9 years David and Jodi have been serving in the areas of mobilizing volunteers and preparing new missionaries from the Global Ministry Center in Kansas City. Their personal experience of going on Work & Witness trips and working with volunteers on the field has given them a deep desire to help others have the opportunities to serve. Their new assignment to the Africa Region involves supporting the missionaries serving throughout Africa as well as helping connect volunteers to ministry opportunities.