Yearly Archives: 2022

The Next Chapter! Though life is uniquely different for each of us, in most ways, it is fairly the same. We rise up at the start of the day and lie down when it is over. We eat our meals and drink our beverage that supplies our nutrition and strength. […]

October 2022

“Good Times, Bad Times” I believe that all of us have had our share of walks on the mountain tops. They are times that we enjoy in life where all is well and things are about as perfect as they can be. We feel good, our friends and family are […]

September 2022

“Before You Know It” It is hard to believe that August is here. Where did the summer go? It seems like only yesterday that the kids were just getting out of school; and now, they will be back in class in about a month from now. Time just keeps going, […]

August 2022